Friday, November 25, 2022

Benefit of Eating Cucumber

 5 Benefits of Eating Cucumber

Here are the benefits of eating cucumber​ :

1. Your body will stay hydrated

Cucumber is mostly water! Hence, it keeps your body hydrated for a long time.

2. It will prevent constipation

Cucumber is rich in fibre content which prevents constipation and ensures regular bowel movement.

3. Eating cucumbers can help you lose weight

Cucumbers are low in calories and high in nutrients. What’s more, eating cucumber makes you feel full and does away with hunger pangs.

4. It helps in maintaining the blood sugar level

Cucumbers may help you in regulating blood sugar levels. So, it may basically prevent diabetes and other complications related to it.

5. Your immunity will be strengthened

Cucumbers are high in antioxidants. They prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals. They even reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Hope you like it . If you have any idea please comment below, thanks

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Top 5 Elon Musk Quotes

Top 5  Elon Musk Quotes


I think there should be regulations on social media to the degree that it negatively affects the public good.


I usually describe myself as an engineer; that's basically what I've been doing since I was a kid.


If something's important enough, you should try. Even if - the probable outcome is failure.


I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better. I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.


I'd rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Benefits of eating Banana

 Benefits of Banana

The soluble fibers in bananas helps provide enhanced energy levels and maintains stamina. It also helps to aid in digestion by creating helpful bacteria and cures heartburn and ulcers too. Thickening of the protective stomach walls helps to reduce the chances of hydrochloric acid damaging the stomach.

The abundance of vitamin B6 in bananas can help us create haemoglobin which in turn strengthens our immune system. Apart from these, it also helps to reduce stress and improve your mood due to the presence of serotonin. Additionally rubbing banana peels on the face helps to control skin conditions like psoriasis and acne. It also cures hangovers and prevents cancer from occuring.


A banana is a fruit which is produced by different varieties of herbaceous flowering plant. This fruit is usually firm and is variable in colour and size. It is curved and elongated. The flesh is usually covered with a brown, purple, yellow or green rind. Bananas generally hang in clusters from the banana tree.

Nutritional Value of Banana

Bananas are extremely nutritional as it contains around 1% protein, 23% carbohydrates and 75% water. The best part is that the fat content in a banana is usually negligible. It is considered a rich source of vitamin B and also contains dietary fiber, manganese and vitamin C.

The taste of a banana can vary from sweet to starchy depending upon the ripeness and cultivar. Compounds such as isobutyl acetate and isoamyl acetate directly contribute to the flavour and aroma of fresh bananas. In many parts of the world, banana peel is also consumed due to its high nutritional value. It also contains potassium, vitamin B12 and B6 in copious amounts.

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Banana :

Increased energy

A lot of times, we witness athletes or sportsmen/sportswomen eating banana before their sports. Banana is a high source of energy and it also helps the human body to become more and more immune to viral infection. Other than this, it gives increased stamina and energy to anyone who consumes it.

The soluble fiber along with the natural sugars gives a stable energy when eaten half an hour before working out. This fruit has also been known to help to fight against mid-afternoon slump. No matter how much banana a person consumes, the probability of gaining weight and becoming obese is comparatively low.

Improves Digestion

We usually don’t get enough fibers through our daily diets. Fiber is of utmost importance for food to travel properly in the digestive tract. Since bananas are a high source of dietary fibers, it improves bowel movements to a great extent.

Consuming a few bananas is much better than taking laxatives to cure constipation. Bananas are also rich in FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), this feeds the helpful bacteria which lives in our digestive tracts. This bacteria is known to absorb all the nutrients efficiently.

Cures heartburn

Bananas are great for curing heartburns as they relieve pain by enhancing the protective mucucs layer and balancing the stomach’s PH. The fiber content present in bananas also makes the food move to the digestive tract much faster, thus preventing an acid reflux.

Cures Ulcers

Consuming bananas regularly can also help to protect the stomach against ulcers. Continuously eating banana for a long period of time thickens the mucus barriers inside the stomach. This instead prevents damage from hydrochloric acid. Bananas also contains protease inhibitors which helps to reduce bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Studies have shown that maximum number of people with healthy digestion regularly consumed banana.

Creating haemoglobin

Since bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, it creates abundant amount of haemoglobin for healthy blood supply in the body. Vitamin B6 is also involved in producing antibodies, breaking down and synthesizing amino acids, maintaining blood sugar levels, etc. These help in creating a strong immune response in the body. Bananas can certainly be a great substitute of Vitamin pills.

Skin conditions

Beauty has become very important in today’s world. We all want to achieve flawless and healthy skin, thankfully bananas can help to achieve this. Banana peels are very helpful in treating skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. Rubbing the banana peel on the affected area helps release a lot of fatty acids from the peel which helps to relieve skin conditions and also moisturises the skin from within. Banana peels have also been helpful in removing warts since ages.

Reduces stress

Bananas contain amino acid tryptophan which the body converts into serotonin right after consumption. Serotonin helps to regulate sleep patterns, reduces stress, improves mood and increases happiness levels. Banana is not the highest source of serotonin but it helps to improve your mood to a great extent. This is the reason why we observe people snacking on a banana while feeling too stressed out during work.

Cures hangovers

Bananas are ideal to cure hangovers after a night of over drinking. Blending the banana with coconut milk, berries and ice can give you a high energy level and helps you to recover from a hangover. It also reduces pain and discomfort felt on the head. According to studies, bananas are a better alternative to Caffeine to reduce hangover symptoms.

Fights against cancer virus

Banana has a compound called cytokine which can increase the blood count of the white blood cells easily. This in turn increases your immunity and combats harmful cancer cells from taking over your immune system. Consuming bananas on a daily basis can make you less prone to developing cancer later in life.

Uses of Banana

Banana is rich is potassium, so it is ideal for curing insect bites, scrapes, bruises, cuts and treating damaged hair. Rubbing a banana peel on your teeth can also whiten your teeth due to high starch content in it. Banana can also prove to be useful during exfoliation and make your skin soft and supple. Apart from health benefits, banana peels can also act as a fantastic fertilizer for different plants.

Benefits of eating apple


8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples

With over 7,000 different cultivars available worldwide, it’s no surprise that apples are the most widely consumed fruit globally .

From sweet red varieties, like Red Delicious, Fuji or Gala, to tangy green ones, like Granny Smith — my personal favorite that I enjoy with lime juice and a little salt when I want a savory snack — there sure is an apple for everyone.

They’re commonly used in recipes, like pies, cookies, muffins, jam, salads, oatmeal, or smoothies. They also make a great snack on their own or wedged and smeared with nut butter.

In addition to their culinary versatility and numerous colors and flavors to choose from, apples are an exceptionally healthy fruit with many research-backed benefits.

Here are eight impressive health benefits of apples.

1. Nutritious

Apples are considered nutrient-dense fruits, meaning they provide a lot of nutrients per serving.

The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 2 cups of fruit daily for a 2,000-calorie diet, emphasizing whole fruits, like apples .

One medium 7-ounce (200-grams) apple offers the following nutrients :

  • Calories: 104
  • Carbs: 28 grams
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Copper: 6% of the DV
  • Potassium: 5% of the DV
  • Vitamin K: 4% of the DV

The same serving also provides 2–5% of the DV for vitamins E, B1, and B6.

Vitamin E serves as a fat-soluble antioxidant, vitamin B1 — also known as thiamine — is needed for growth and development, and vitamin B6 is essential for protein metabolism .

Apples are also a rich source of polyphenols, an important group of antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that protect your cells from free radicals — harmful molecules that contribute to the development of chronic conditions, like heart disease and cancer .

While nutrition labels don’t list these plant compounds, they’re likely responsible for many of apples’ health benefits.

To get the most out of apples, leave the skin on, as it contains half of the fiber and most of the polyphenols .

2. May support weight loss

Apples are high in fiber and water, two qualities that make them filling.

An increasing feeling of fullness works as a weight-loss strategy, as it helps manage your appetite. This, in turn, might lead you to reduce your energy intake .

In one study, eating whole apples increased feelings of fullness for up to 4 hours longer than consuming equal amounts of apple purée or juice. This happened, because whole apples reduce gastric emptying — the rate at which your stomach empties its contents .

Research also suggests apple intake may significantly reduce Body Mass Index (BMI), a weight-related risk factor for heart disease .

Interestingly, apple polyphenols may also have anti-obesity effects .

3. Could be good for your heart

Apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease .

One reason may be that they contain soluble fiber. This kind of fiber can help lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Another reason may be that they offer polyphenols. Some of these, namely the flavonoid epicatechin, may lower blood pressure .

Studies have also linked high intakes of flavonoids with a lower risk of stroke.

Plus, flavonoids can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation, and reducing atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of plaque in your arteries .

Another study has also linked eating white-fleshed fruits and vegetables, like apples and pears, to a reduced risk of stroke. For every 1/5 cup (25 grams) of apple slices consumed per day, the risk of stroke decreased by 9%.

4. Linked to a lower risk of diabetes

Eating apples may also reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A compilation of studies found that eating apples and pears was associated with an 18% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk. In fact, just one serving per week may reduce the risk by 3% .

Their high content of the antioxidant polyphenols quercetin and phloridzin could explain this beneficial effect .

Quercetin’s anti-inflammatory effects may reduce insulin resistance, a big risk factor for the onset of diabetes. Meanwhile, phloridzin is believed to reduce sugar uptake in the intestines, contributing to a reduced blood sugar load and thereby reduced diabetes risk.

5. May promote gut health

Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. This means it feeds your gut microbiota, which is the good bacteria in your gut.

Being involved in many functions related to both health and disease, your gut microbiota plays an essential role in your overall well-being. A healthy gut is often key for better health .

Since dietary fiber cannot be digested, pectin reaches your colon intact, promoting the growth of good bacteria. It especially improves the ratio of Bacteriodetes to Firmicutes, the two main types of bacteria in your gut.

New research suggests that, by beneficially altering your gut microbiota, apples may help protect against chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer .Trusted Source

6. Might help prevent cancer

Antioxidants in apples may offer beneficial effects against certain types of cancers, including lung, breast, and digestive tract cancers.Trusted Source

Test-tube studies suggest that these effects may be attributed to apple polyphenols keeping cancerous cells from multiplying .Trusted Source

What’s more, one study in women reported that higher apple intakes were linked to a lower risk of cancer death .Trusted Source

Apples’ fiber content may also contribute to their cancer-fighting properties.

For example, another test-tube study found that apple pectin fiber could inhibit the growth of cancerous cells and even trigger their death.Trusted Source

However, further research in humans is needed to better understand the possible link between apples and cancer prevention — for example, to identify adequate amounts and eating timing.Trusted Source

7. Could help fight asthma

Antioxidant-rich apples may help protect your lungs from oxidative damage.

An excess of harmful molecules called free radicals can cause oxidative damage. This may lead to inflammatory and allergenic responses in your body.Trusted Source.

Apple skin is rich in the antioxidant quercetin, which can help regulate your immune system and reduce inflammation. Theoretically, this could make apples effective against late phases of bronchial asthma responses.Trusted Source

Supporting this, test-tube and animal studies suggest quercetin may be a suitable treatment for allergic inflammatory diseases like asthma and sinusitis.Trusted Source

Similarly, other compounds found in apples, including ones called proanthocyanidins, may reduce or prevent allergic asthma airway inflammation.Trusted Source

8. May help protect your brain

Quercetin in apples may protect your brain from damage caused by oxidative stress.Trusted Sourc

Research in rats shows that quercetin’s antioxidant effects may protect the brain and nerves from oxidative damage and prevent injuries that can result in degenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.Trusted SourceTrusted Source
Trusted SouTrusted Source.

In addition, quercetin may prevent stress-associated nerve damage by regulating oxidative and inflammatory stress markers.Trusted Sourc

Nevertheless, keep in mind that most research focuses on a specific compound instead of whole apples. Therefore, further research is still needed before any conclusions can be drawn.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Benefits of Eating Fruit

 Top 10 reasons to eat more fruits and vegetables

No matter where you look, the food we consume is getting farther away from nature. Grocery store shelves are filled with processed foods with preservatives and additives that are hard to pronounce. When we’re not buying food at the store, it’s a cheeseburger and fries for dinner.

When you think about the effect this type of diet can have on your health, it’s troubling. It’s of little wonder the rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic diseases have increased steadily over the last few years.

To avoid being part of these statistics, you can start bringing your diet more in line with nature, and that means eating more fruits and vegetables. Here are the top 10 reasons that’s a great idea!

  1. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals : You won’t find a better nutritional source than fruits and veggies, which are packed with vitamins A, C and E, as well as magnesium, zinc, phosphorous and folic acid. For potassium, one of the most important minerals for your health, eat plenty of avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, prunes and even tomato paste puree.

  2. You get to enjoy a variety of flavors and textures : With all their unique and interesting flavors, plant-based foods let you get creative in the kitchen.  You can try strong flavors like onions, olives and peppers, or milder options such as mushrooms and corn. For sweet flavors, fruits like pineapple, grapes or plums are great, while lemons and grapefruits are more sour.

  3. Lots and lots of fiber : Most fruits and vegetables have plenty of fiber to fill you up and boost gut health, but some have more than others. Fiber-rich vegetables include artichokes, green peas, broccoli and cauliflower. High-fiber fruits include raspberries, pears, apples and pumpkin.

  4. They’re low-calorie and low-fat : On average, fruits and especially vegetables are very low in calories and fat, which means you can eat more to keep you feeling full without worrying about extra calories or fat. You can save more than  200 calories by eating half a cup of grapes versus a fourth of a cup of  M&Ms. That said, there are exceptions, such as avocados, olives and coconuts.

  5. Protect against cancer and other diseases : Many vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals, which are biologically active substances that can help protect against some diseases. That means you can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer by adding them into your diet. Specifically cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, cabbage, collards and watercress, have been linked to reducing cancer risks.

  6. Fruits and vegetables help you maintain good health : Because they’re low in saturated fat, salt and sugar, fruits and vegetables are part of a well-balanced diet that can help you lose weight or prevent weight gain. Plus, they can help you decrease inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

  7. Low in sodium and cholesterol : Fresh fruits and veggies contain only trace amounts of sodium. Many people think that celery is high in sodium, but in fact, one stalk contains a mere 30mg, which contributes 1 percent to the recommended daily value. Cholesterol doesn’t exist in fruits and veggies at all.

  8. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried – they’re ALL nutritious : While eating fresh fruits and vegetables may be your preference, there’s not much difference from a nutrition standpoint when you compare frozen, canned or dehydrated products. In fact, most frozen and canned products are processed within hours of harvest, so the nutritional value is locked in quickly.

  9. Convenient, quick and easy : Unlike granola bars or crackers, many fruits and vegetables don’t need any packaging. So you can easily grab a banana or an apple as you’re heading out the door.

  10. Finally… Smoothies! : If you have a blender, all you need is fruit and ice to whip up a delicious smoothie using all of your favorite flavors. And here’s a tip – when you make a fruit smoothie, feel free to throw in as much fresh spinach as you like. Spinach doesn’t start to taste like “spinach” until you cook it. Even kids can’t tell the difference!

Enjoying fruits and vegetables is a great way to improve your health and actually enjoy what you eat. While it may take a little creativity, effort and an open mind to try new things, switching to a diet with more fruits and veggies is definitely worth it!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Benefits of Exercise


The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise

1. Exercise can make you feel happier

Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress .Trusted Source

It produces changes in the parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. It can also increase brain sensitivity to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which relieve feelings of depression .Trusted Source

Additionally, exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help produce positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain .Trusted SourceTrusted Sourc.

Interestingly, it doesn’t matter how intense your workout is. It seems that exercise can benefit your mood no matter the intensity of the physical activity.

In fact, in a study in 24 women diagnosed with depression, exercise of any intensity significantly decreased feelings of depression.Trusted Source

The effects of exercise on mood are so powerful that choosing to exercise (or not) even makes a difference over short periods of time.

One review of 19 studies found that active people who stopped exercising regularly experienced significant increases in symptoms of depression and anxiety, even after only a few weeks.

2. Exercise can help with weight loss

Some studies have shown that inactivity is a major factor in weight gain and obesity .

To understand the effect of exercise on weight reduction, it is important to understand the relationship between exercise and energy expenditure (spending).

Your body spends energy in three ways:

  • digesting food
  • exercising
  • maintaining body functions, like your heartbeat and breathing

While dieting, a reduced calorie intake will lower your metabolic rate, which can temporarily delay weight loss. On the contrary, regular exercise has been shown to increase your metabolic rate, which can burn more calories to help you lose weight .

Additionally, studies have shown that combining aerobic exercise with resistance training can maximize fat loss and muscle mass maintenance, which is essential for keeping the weight off and maintaining lean muscle mass .

3. Exercise is good for your muscles and bones

Exercise plays a vital role in building and maintaining strong muscles and bones.

Activities like weightlifting can stimulate muscle building when paired with adequate protein intake.

This is because exercise helps release hormones that promote your muscles’ ability to absorb amino acids. This helps them grow and reduces their breakdown.

As people age, they tend to lose muscle mass and function, which can lead to an increased risk of injury. Practicing regular physical activity is essential to reducing muscle loss and maintaining strength as you age .

Exercise also helps build bone density when you’re younger, in addition to helping prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Some research suggests that high impact exercise (such as gymnastics or running) or odd impact sports (such as soccer and basketball) may help promote a higher bone density than no impact sports like swimming and cycling .

4. Exercise can increase your energy levels

Exercise can be a real energy booster for many people, including those with various medical conditions .

One older study found that 6 weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 people who had reported persistent fatigue .

And let’s not forget the fantastic heart and lung health benefits of exercise. Aerobic exercise boosts the cardiovascular system and improves lung health, which can significantly help with energy levels.

As you move more, your heart pumps more blood, delivering more oxygen to your working muscles. With regular exercise, your heart becomes more efficient and adept at moving oxygen into your blood, making your muscles more efficient .

Over time, this aerobic training results in less demand on your lungs, and it requires less energy to perform the same activities — one of the reasons you’re less likely to get short of breath during vigorous activity .

Additionally, exercise has been shown to increase energy levels in people with other conditions, such as cancer .

5. Exercise can reduce your risk of chronic disease

Lack of regular physical activity is a primary cause of chronic disease .

Regular exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, heart health, and body composition. It can also decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels .

More specifically, exercise can help reduce or prevent the following chronic health conditions.

  • Type 2 diabetes. Regular aerobic exercise may delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. It also has considerable health benefits for people with type 1 diabetes. Resistance training for type 2 diabetes includes improvements in fat mass, blood pressure, lean body mass, insulin resistance, and glycemic control .
  • Heart disease. Exercise reduces cardiovascular risk factors and is also a therapeutic treatment for people with cardiovascular disease.
  • Many types of cancer. Exercise can help reduce the risk of several cancers, including breast, colorectal, endometrial, gallbladder, kidney, lung, liver, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, thyroid, gastric, and esophageal cancer .
  • High cholesterol. Regular moderate intensity physical activity can increase HDL (good) cholesterol while maintaining or offsetting increases in LDL (bad) cholesterol. Research supports the theory that high intensity aerobic activity is needed to lower LDL levels .
  • Hypertension: Participating in regular aerobic exercise can lower resting systolic BP 5–7 mmHG among people with hypertension .

In contrast, a lack of regular exercise — even in the short term — can lead to significant increases in belly fat, which may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease .

That’s why regular physical activity is recommended to reduce belly fat and decrease the risk of developing these conditions .

6. Exercise can help skin health

Your skin can be affected by the amount of oxidative stress in your body.

Oxidative stress occurs when the body’s antioxidant defenses cannot completely repair the cell damage caused by compounds known as free radicals. This can damage the structure of the cells and negatively impact your skin.

Even though intense and exhaustive physical activity can contribute to oxidative damage, regular moderate exercise can actually increase your body’s production of natural antioxidants, which help protect cells .

In the same way, exercise can stimulate blood flow and induce skin cell adaptations that can help delay the appearance of skin aging .

7. Exercise can help your brain health and memory

Exercise can improve brain function and protect memory and thinking skills.

To begin with, it increases your heart rate, which promotes the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. It can also stimulate the production of hormones that enhance the growth of brain cells.

Plus, the ability of exercise to prevent chronic disease can translate into benefits for your brain, since its function can be affected by these conditions .

Regular physical activity is especially important in older adults since aging — combined with oxidative stress and inflammation — promotes changes in brain structure and function.

Exercise has been shown to cause the hippocampus, a part of the brain that’s vital for memory and learning, to grow in size, which may help improve mental function in older adults.

Lastly, exercise has been shown to reduce changes in the brain that can contribute to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

8. Exercise can help with relaxation and sleep quality

Regular exercise can help you relax and sleep better .

With regard to sleep quality, the energy depletion (loss) that occurs during exercise stimulates restorative processes during sleep.

Moreover, the increase in body temperature that occurs during exercise is thought to improve sleep quality by helping body temperature drop during sleep .

Many studies on the effects of exercise on sleep have reached similar conclusions.

One review of six studies found that participating in an exercise training program helped improve self-reported sleep quality and reduced sleep latency, which is the amount of time it takes to fall asleep .

One study conducted over 4 months found that both stretching and resistance exercise led to improvements in sleep for people with chronic insomnia .

Getting back to sleep after waking, sleep duration, and sleep quality improved after both stretching and resistance exercise. Anxiety was also reduced in the stretching group .

What’s more, engaging in regular exercise seems to benefit older adults, who are often affected by sleep disorders .

You can be flexible with the kind of exercise you choose. It appears that either aerobic exercise alone or aerobic exercise combined with resistance training can both improve sleep quality .

9. Exercise can reduce pain

Although chronic pain can be debilitating, exercise can actually help reduce it .

In fact, for many years, the recommendation for treating chronic pain was rest and inactivity. However, recent studies show that exercise helps relieve chronic pain .Trusted Source

In fact, one review of several studies found that exercise can help those with chronic pain reduce their pain and improve their quality of life .

Several studies also show that exercise can help control pain associated with various health conditions, including chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic soft tissue shoulder disorder, to name a few .

Additionally, physical activity can also raise pain tolerance and decrease pain perception .

10. Exercise can promote a better sex life

Exercise has been proven to boost sex drive .

Engaging in regular exercise can strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, tone muscles, and enhance flexibility, all of which can improve your sex life.

Physical activity can also improve sexual performance and sexual pleasure while increasing the frequency of sexual activity .

Interestingly enough, one study showed that regular exercise was associated with increased sexual function and desire in 405 postmenopausal women .Trusted Source.

A review of 10 studies also found that exercising for at least 160 minutes per week over a 6-month period could help significantly improve erectile function in men .Trusted Source.

What’s more, another study found that a simple routine of a 6-minute walk around the house helped 41 men reduce their erectile dysfunction symptoms by 71% .Trusted Source

Yet another study demonstrated that women with polycystic ovary syndrome, which can reduce sex drive, increased their sex drive with regular resistance training for 16 weeks .Trusted Sour

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